Blood on My Hands

The film "Blood on my Hands" deals with the issues of puberty and sexuality of women, a subject which…

Let’s Talk About It

Says Noemi Weis, President of Filmblanc: "Deepa Mehta is a master of the exposé. As a documentary director…

The Celestial Brides

Nestles in the Southern Indian State of TamilNadu, India is the village Koovagam, where every year, thousands of Eunuchs…

Tales from the Margins

12 women disrobe publicly – in protest. For 8 years, a young woman has been on a fast to death demanding justice…

Silent Ghungroos

A documentary film, shot on digital format, attempting to look at many issues affecting tamasha and lavani…

China… Thru’ My Eyes!

China is history and china is also a mystery. This film is a roller coaster ride across China with a bit of history…

Transnational Tradeswomen

Transnational Tradeswomen takes viewers into the cross-hairs of the lives of women construction laborers in Thailand…

Ayodhya: The Disputed Site

"The Disputed Site," an 80×40 acre parcel of land that serves as a concrete representation of the bloody conflict that continues to gain momentum with no end in sight.

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